First act of Minister of State for disabled people: 428,000 people with high rate mobility needs lose help
“Yet again, when it comes to sickness and disability issues, this Government have decided to ignore all of the evidence, ignore all of the experts and ignore all of those affected.” The Hardest Hit responds to the Government’s decisions on the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and mobility.
PIP 20 metre rule consultation response: “We’re not listening.”
“It seems clear that the responses to the consultation were never going to matter; the DWP has ridden roughshod over the whole lot to push ahead with what they want.” Latentexistence looks at the decision by DWP to keep the PIP threshold for enhance support at twenty metres.

Dear Esther McVey MP
“…“around 50 per cent of decisions are made on the basis of the claim form alone” - the contrary evidence for this is overwhelming but most tellingly on the DWP’s own site…” Jayne Linney has some questions - as yet still unanswered - for the minister for disabled people Esther McVey.

Frontline Friday 28th June 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 24th June 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

Frontline Friday 21st June 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 17th June 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

PIP: A step in the right direction
It isn’t often we can say it, but the disability lobby has today forced the DWP to take a step backwards in their never-ending erosion of the rights of disabled people, by forcing them to go back to consultation on the 20m limit imposed in the Personal Independence Payment regulations (the replacement for DLA brought in by […]

Frontline Friday 14th June 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 14th June 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

Myths about DLA and PIP
Today is the start of the national roll-out of Personal Independence Payments. All new claims for DLA/PIP will be for PIP from now on. Given the DWP’s emphasis on the need for PIP, it seemed timely to summarise some of the main facts (and myths) about PIP. More can be found on our most recent […]

Six months in… disability
It’s six months since we launched this version of Guerilla Policy. Here’s a selection of some of our favourite posts we’ve published in disability – from the personal impact of the Government’s reforms, to grassroots campaigns for the rights of disabled people.

The real impact of PIP on social care
I’ve just finished reading about how PIP (Personal Independence Payments) will impact on social care services and it was really shocking. Simon Duffy from the Centre for Welfare Reform writes: “The replacement of DLA with PIP will damage local communities by reducing the incomes of people in poverty, reducing charging income for social care and increasing the numbers entitled […]

Frontline Friday round-up 19th April 2013: Understanding and empathy
Here’s our round-up of frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 15th April 2013. This week: understanding and empathy - and where they seem to be lacking in political leaders.

Why this government is failing the disabled AND the taxpayer (DLA vs PIP)
This post is written by Tanya Marlow. Tanya blogs at Thorns and Gold. It has also been guest posted on Sue Marsh’s Diary of a Benefit Scrounger. Sue writes that: “I wish every last person in the country could read this guest post by Tanya Marlow. A little truth to wash away the government lies […]
An open letter to Esther McVey MP
Dear Esther McVey MP We the undersigned have been shocked and appalled at you and your Minister’s persistent use of dubious facts and statistics regarding DLA. We ask that you make use of the raft of factual statistics and desist from twisting evidence; your misrepresentation presumes some sort of illegal activity regarding DLA claimants, this […]
PIP faces legal challenge!
“Please join us in countering the propaganda and mis-information our government are churning out today… Every challenge shows a few more people what is really going on in their name.” Sue Marsh sets out the facts about the Government’s welfare disability reforms.

Our last Good Friday: Easter Monday beginning of the end for UK poor
“As the UK breaks up for Easter weekend most people are quietly ignorant, by circumstance or choice, of the beginning of the end of the welfare state, which begins on Easter Monday.” Scriptonite Daily examines the changes that are about to happen - and calls for people to get involved in challenging them.

Fighting for our independence
“The big question for me is, even in these difficult times, can the Coalition rise to this vital challenge, or will the life chances of disabled people be destroyed for a generation?” Jane Young argues for an alternative to the Government’s welfare reforms and the planned closure of the Independent Living Fund.

PIP: What have we won?
“We’ve won some important battles but we’ve not yet won the war. …Independent mobility matters to all of us, including disabled people, so we keep fighting.” Jane Young takes stock of the grassroots campaign against the Government’s “ill-advised and incompetent” welfare reforms.

Frontline Friday round-up 4th January 2013
In the first of a new series, we offer up a round up of frontline bloggers from the week of 31st December. The issue of evidence - or lack of it - for Government policies has come through strongly this week in the frontline blogosphere. Another angry woman was particularly unhappy about the report from Westminster […]
The latest assault on disabled people’s benefits
“These new rules will lead to 960,000 fewer people getting help with the extra costs of coping with disability and 400,000 fewer will qualify for an adapted car from the Motability scheme.” Richard Exell describes the impact of the Government’s welfare reforms on disabled people and notes how they are having a wider social and economic impact.

Well over 100,000 to lose Motability vehicles under draconian new rules
When I blogged on this topic back in January, I predicted thousands of disabled people would lose their Motability vehicles under the Government’s draft criteria for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), set to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) under the Welfare Reform Act. Yesterday, the Government published the final version of the criteria and the reality is far, far worse […]